As a result of our fabulous collectors giving their time again on Friday 12th July, we raised a further £506.04. This year’s total raised from the Morrisons supermarket at Catcliffe is a FANTASTIC £1,723.53…two hours of your time makes a HUGE difference!!!.

Thanks again, so much , to our volunteers and to everyone who donated.
We have MORE collection dates for Catfliffe Morrisons – Wednesday 23rd October and Wednesday 13th November – so please get in touch if you have a couple of hours to spare!!
SPREAD THE WORD…We are trying to get information about the Centre and our therapies out to places like health centres , hospitals, GP surgeries , sport clubs, social groups, libraries, community centres…to anywhere you can think of really!!
If you can help us out that would be fabulous – please ask at the Centre for some leaflets and spread the word!!!