News: From our Centre Chairperson…

Hi everyone,

I hope that you’re all keeping safe and well. It’s been nice and reassuring to see so many of you back in the centre, continuing your therapies during this ‘new normal’.

I myself have managed to get into the centre most weeks for my oxygen therapy. I have not resumed the IMRS sessions yet, as the main benefit for me seems to be the total sensory relaxation that comes from wearing the headphones and goggles. Of course we can’t offer them at the moment, due to ‘cross contamination’. I’ve been thinking that I might try it with my own blindfold (don’t ask 😃) and listen to music from my phone. It won’t be exactly the same, but if it helps me to relax, it’s worth a try.

Myself and the staff are conscious that there are many of our members who fall into the extremely vulnerable category and are currently isolating. You are missed within the centre and we’d love to receive emails/news of how you are coping. Please forgive us if you don’t get an immediate response though, as the new procedures mean that the staff are working harder than ever on the 2 days a week that they are currently in the centre.

I’m relieved that I’m ‘only’ classed as vulnerable. This means that I can at least continue to visit the centre. My regular NHS treatments and appointments have been suspended since March. Early in the first lockdown I bought a hot tub for home and that is literally the only thing that is keeping me moving. I’m spending so much time in there that I’m developing a problem with dry skin. I’ve tried antihistamines and lots of lotions and potions and I’m currently waiting on a delivery of a massive tub of aloe vera for my skin and some crystals to put into the water to help soften it.

I’m hoping that you are all receiving the help and support that you need at home. The authorities should have had plenty of time by now, to put effective support strategies in place. I suspect that you’re all having to delve deep into your extra mental strength to keep yourselves going.

Let’s hope that by the next newsletter this is all a distant memory and we’ve all been reunited with our friends and families.

Stay safe.

Sharon Eccles

News: London Marathon 2020

We have the place – do you have the pace?

We have been granted a coveted Charity place for next year’s iconic London Marathon – Sunday, 26 April 2020.

Sponsorship needed is £2000 minimum.

Do you know anyone who would like to experience this amazing event, take up the challenge and raise sponsorship in support of your Centre?

Please get in touch with us for further details.

News: Rotherham United players often use Oxygen Therapy at the Centre to help their injuries to heal

Rotherham United players often use Oxygen Therapy at the Centre to help their injuries to heal. Paul Gambles, their Head of Medical Services, says…

“Oxygen Treatment is a safe, effective , and non-invasive treatment which can be used for various conditions, gaining considerable attention among sports medicine specialists for its potential to accelerate healing. It has been shown that using o2 therapy in conjunction with physiotherapy can decrease the time taken for injuries to repair meaning that some players are able to return and competitive play earlier than just using physiotherapy alone.”

“Oxygen is an essential substance in the repair of any tissue and the additional O2 provided can improve the repair, particularly of muscle and ligament tears, because the blood supply is often significantly damaged. Fracture healing may be accelerated, and it can help eliminate fatigue and recover stamina, it has also been seen to be beneficial in:

Head injuries and concussion
Spinal cord injuries
General wellness

“Oxygen therapy is taken using an individual oxygen mask, either in a pressure-controlled chamber (as seen in the photo) or at normal pressure depending on the condition.

“Athletes from various disciplines and levels of sport are now starting to use the facility with great results. Vass is just one of many of our players who has been helped by this treatment, with Cheo and Robbo being amongst others to use it this season and last.”

News: Fundraising Auction – Rotherham Utd Signed Shirt

Rotherham United have very generously donated a T-shirt signed by the current team, which we are auctioning off in a ‘blind bid’ auction.
The closing date is Saturday 23rd November and the winner will be announced on Saturday 30th.

Bids can be sent to the Centre via e-mail, by post, or just drop them in (in a sealed envelope please, marked ‘RUFC bid’).

The T-shirt was presented to the Centre recently by Rotherham United player Kyle Vassell.