News: From our Centre Chairperson…

Hi everyone,

I hope that you’re all keeping safe and well. It’s been nice and reassuring to see so many of you back in the centre, continuing your therapies during this ‘new normal’.

I myself have managed to get into the centre most weeks for my oxygen therapy. I have not resumed the IMRS sessions yet, as the main benefit for me seems to be the total sensory relaxation that comes from wearing the headphones and goggles. Of course we can’t offer them at the moment, due to ‘cross contamination’. I’ve been thinking that I might try it with my own blindfold (don’t ask šŸ˜ƒ) and listen to music from my phone. It won’t be exactly the same, but if it helps me to relax, it’s worth a try.

Myself and the staff are conscious that there are many of our members who fall into the extremely vulnerable category and are currently isolating. You are missed within the centre and we’d love to receive emails/news of how you are coping. Please forgive us if you don’t get an immediate response though, as the new procedures mean that the staff are working harder than ever on the 2 days a week that they are currently in the centre.

I’m relieved that I’m ‘only’ classed as vulnerable. This means that I can at least continue to visit the centre. My regular NHS treatments and appointments have been suspended since March. Early in the first lockdown I bought a hot tub for home and that is literally the only thing that is keeping me moving. I’m spending so much time in there that I’m developing a problem with dry skin. I’ve tried antihistamines and lots of lotions and potions and I’m currently waiting on a delivery of a massive tub of aloe vera for my skin and some crystals to put into the water to help soften it.

I’m hoping that you are all receiving the help and support that you need at home. The authorities should have had plenty of time by now, to put effective support strategies in place. I suspect that you’re all having to delve deep into your extra mental strength to keep yourselves going.

Let’s hope that by the next newsletter this is all a distant memory and we’ve all been reunited with our friends and families.

Stay safe.

Sharon Eccles

News: An introduction to Steve Crosby, our new Chair…

(1) Whatā€™s your name and where do you come from?

My name is Stephen Crosby and I come from Peterlee County Durham. I came to Sheffield in 1984 to do Mathematics at University and loved the place. So I decided to stay. I have two lovely children and live in Swallownest.

(2) When did you first start visiting the Centre?

I canā€™t really remember how I found out about the centre. All I know is I have been coming for quite some time. I did have a couple of years away but started again at the back end of 2016 and have tried to attend twice a week ever since.

(3) What is it that you do at the Centre?

I use the chamber for Oxygen Therapy and go down to 2ATA/32 feet.

(4) When did you first get involved?

Although I have been coming for a very long time I have only recently been active in the centre. I have been lucky enough to be able to use the Centreā€™s facilities to manage both my Multiple Sclerosis and Lymphoma and went it transpired that the centre could also help with my daughter during her pregnancy I felt obliged to try and help in any way I could. I must admit I am very happy to do anything I can to help in any way I can.

(5) What do you like to do in your spare time?

I am a member of a Table Tennis team and try to play as often as I can. I have found this is a really good therapy for my MS. It keeps me active and itā€™s a great way to meet people.

(6) Which celebrity would you invite round for tea?

Wow, I have never really thought about anything like this. I really enjoy meeting people in general. It is really easy to get bogged down with day to day things and itā€™s nice to speak to other people. You never know who you are going to meet or what they might say and thatā€™s great. But If I had to pick someone to have tea with, I would say someone like J.K Rowling to see how she went about the process of coming up with Harry Potter, and then there is also the link to MS as well.

(7) If you were shipwrecked on a desert island with food and water, which 2 things would you want to have with you?

Firstly my Black Labradoodle ā€œGeorgeā€ – he is a big bundle of fluff and excellent company. He would make me get up and move around even when I didnā€™t really want to. Then there is a good book. I am currently reading Anne Franks diaries but I love anything from a good science fiction novel like ā€Ready Player Oneā€ by Ernest Cline to a good  thriller like ā€œThe Midnight Lineā€ by Lee Child.

Please come and say hello if you see me at the Centre. I want to get to know everyone, and to find out what we have done for you and can do for you in the future. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

News: Thank you to all our Volunteers

We would like to say a HUGE thank you to all our volunteersā€¦.those of you who are at the Centre every week giving your valuable time to help us, and those of you who help us out with various jobs as and when you are neededā€¦you know who you are, you are all fabulous, and the Centre really couldnā€™t run without youā€¦so a MASSIVE thank you.

News: Chairperson Vacancy

Your Centre Needs You!

We are looking for a new Chairperson. Along with the committee this person will help ensure the centre is running effectively. The chairperson will communicate with the centre manager to assist in making decisions about the centre to ensure that we provide a good service to our members and meet all of our obligations.

Below is some further information about what the role of a Chairperson entails.

  • Help run the centre by liaising with the centre manager and supporting them in their role.
  • Help organise and oversee committee meetings.
  • Make sure the centre is being run effectively and that staff and committee members are meeting their duties.
  • Making decisions that help achieve the aims of the centre and are in the best interests of our members.
  • Help manage any potential conflicts.
  • Be a friendly face to all the members and be a spokesperson for them with both the committee and staff members.

The main characteristics of a Chairperson 

  • Friendly
  • Good sense of humour
  • Empowering
  • Humble
  • Committed to the centre
  • Capable of seeing the ā€˜big pictureā€™
  • Confident
  • Reflective
  • A good listener
  • Flexible
  • Non judgemental
  • Calm

If you are interested and want any more information please speak to a member of staff or a member of the committee. Thank you.

News: Go For It!

Go For It!!

Support your Centre in September!!

You could help us raise money for the Centre by joining in our ā€˜GO FOR ITā€™ September!! We are asking you to challenge yourself by doing something a little out of the ordinary ā€“ whether itā€™s 5 extra steps a day, giving up something like alcohol or chocolate, having more of something healthy such as fruit and veg or water, or simply doing those small exercises that you know you should be doing!!

Anything you can think of that will benefit youā€¦..and at the same time you could get some sponsors to spur you on and to raise money.

At the Centre weā€™ve organized a ā€˜Three Peaks Challengeā€™  –  weā€™ve marked a track out around the Centre, so you can help us will achieve the 23 mile target through taking some steps around the Centre, or using the treadmill or exercise bike.

There are also lots of other activities and challenges at the Centre this month, some of which provide a workout for the mind, and these include our Memory Challenge which will be going on at the Centre on Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th September.

You can pick up a sponsor form from reception and not only help us by raising money but also make a positive change for yourself.

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