Centre News

News: Collection Fundraising

As a result of our fabulous collectors giving their time again on Friday 12th July, we raised a further £506.04. This year’s total raised from the Morrisons supermarket at Catcliffe is a FANTASTIC £1,723.53…two hours of your time makes a HUGE difference!!!.

Thanks again, so much , to our volunteers and to everyone who donated.

We have MORE collection dates for Catfliffe Morrisons – Wednesday 23rd October and Wednesday 13th November – so please get in touch if you have a couple of hours to spare!!

SPREAD THE WORD…We are trying to get information about the Centre and our therapies out to places like health centres , hospitals, GP surgeries , sport clubs, social groups, libraries, community centres…to anywhere you can think of really!!

If you can help us out that would be fabulous  – please ask at the Centre for some leaflets and spread the word!!!

News: Thank You

We just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who collected for us on Friday June 21st at our local Catcliffe Morrisons – between you, you raised a MASSIVE £450.96!!!!

It is only with the money raised by YOU, our members, that we can offer such a wide range of therapies at such low prices. So, a big thanks to
everyone who has helped us out in the past – it makes such a HUGE difference.

We have more collection dates coming up – YAY!! – at Catcliffe Morrisons. These dates are Friday 12th July and Friday 27th September.

So get in touch if you have a couple of hours to spare and would like to help us out!!

News: Job Opportunity

Centre Assistant  –  To include  Oxygen Therapy Co-ordinator, General Reception & Administration

Reporting to – The Centre Manager 

Hours –  24hrs a week worked over 3 days

Responsibilities and duties – These will include reception, office and general administration tasks including fundraising. You will help to maintain the high standards of the Centre at every level, adhering to our best practice and protocols.

Aftertraining you will be the authority on Oxygen Therapy; this includes being responsible for all aspects of Health and Safety and the efficient, effective provision of Oxygen Therapy whilst providing a continuance of care for people throughout all stages of this therapy.

Essential experience -Good IT skills; ability to use a range of IT packages including Word, Excel and Publisher and a range of office equipment. You will need to be confident in dealing with telephone enquiries and handling appointment diaries. You will be able to follow instructions, work independently and as part of a team. You will also be committed to completing any relevant learning for the role and be passionate about helping people access the therapies they feel will best help them.

Personal qualities and behavioural traits – We are looking for a professional individual with reception and administrative experience who would like to bring their skills and abilities to our team. You must be honest, empathetic, enthusiastic, patient, have respect for others and have a good sense of humour. You need to be adaptable to changing situations while ensuring members feel welcome and are safe at all times You will be a support for all areas of our Centre and its therapies, especially Oxygen Therapy.  As an enthusiastic and flexible team member you will help with enabling us to deliver the best services we can to our members and the best experience to our visitors. Confidentiality is an essential aspect of this role.

We are looking to fill this post as soon as possible, so if you are interested please get in touch on 01709-367784, and ask for Julia or Jo, for more details.

News: Come along to our ‘Meet The Therapist’ Day

When is it? Thursday 14th February 10am to 2pm

What is it? our therapists will be here and ready to answer any questions you have.

You can find about ……


Alternative therapies such as massage, reflexology, aromatherapy and reiki


Hypnotherapy and Mindfulness

Counselling and much more!

So come along and have a look!!

News: An introduction to Steve Crosby, our new Chair…

(1) What’s your name and where do you come from?

My name is Stephen Crosby and I come from Peterlee County Durham. I came to Sheffield in 1984 to do Mathematics at University and loved the place. So I decided to stay. I have two lovely children and live in Swallownest.

(2) When did you first start visiting the Centre?

I can’t really remember how I found out about the centre. All I know is I have been coming for quite some time. I did have a couple of years away but started again at the back end of 2016 and have tried to attend twice a week ever since.

(3) What is it that you do at the Centre?

I use the chamber for Oxygen Therapy and go down to 2ATA/32 feet.

(4) When did you first get involved?

Although I have been coming for a very long time I have only recently been active in the centre. I have been lucky enough to be able to use the Centre’s facilities to manage both my Multiple Sclerosis and Lymphoma and went it transpired that the centre could also help with my daughter during her pregnancy I felt obliged to try and help in any way I could. I must admit I am very happy to do anything I can to help in any way I can.

(5) What do you like to do in your spare time?

I am a member of a Table Tennis team and try to play as often as I can. I have found this is a really good therapy for my MS. It keeps me active and it’s a great way to meet people.

(6) Which celebrity would you invite round for tea?

Wow, I have never really thought about anything like this. I really enjoy meeting people in general. It is really easy to get bogged down with day to day things and it’s nice to speak to other people. You never know who you are going to meet or what they might say and that’s great. But If I had to pick someone to have tea with, I would say someone like J.K Rowling to see how she went about the process of coming up with Harry Potter, and then there is also the link to MS as well.

(7) If you were shipwrecked on a desert island with food and water, which 2 things would you want to have with you?

Firstly my Black Labradoodle “George” – he is a big bundle of fluff and excellent company. He would make me get up and move around even when I didn’t really want to. Then there is a good book. I am currently reading Anne Franks diaries but I love anything from a good science fiction novel like ”Ready Player One” by Ernest Cline to a good  thriller like “The Midnight Line” by Lee Child.

Please come and say hello if you see me at the Centre. I want to get to know everyone, and to find out what we have done for you and can do for you in the future. Thank you for taking the time to read this.